Sunday Gatherings

Our Sunday gatherings are the highlight of every week!

We meet at 10.30 at The King’s Centre, and we spend about half an hour worshiping God through song, followed by a relevant talk from the Bible and an opportunity to respond to God afterwards. After the gathering, we spend time together as a church family drinking coffee and getting to know one another better.

We aim for our gatherings to be encouraging and challenging for people who have been Christians for many years, but engaging and accessible for people who have never been to church before.

  • Don’t worry if you don’t know the words to the songs – we’ve got screens with them on.
  • Don’t worry about what to wear – just wear whatever you feel comfortable with.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone – you’ll get a great welcome.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have a Bible – you can have one on us.

We also have children’s and young people’s work during our morning services. Click here to find out more.

If you want a taste of what our Sunday sermons are like, click here to have a watch.

And from March 2022, we are starting a monthly evening gathering at 6.30.  This will take place on the fourth Sunday of the month, and will provide a longer time of worship with standalone talks aimed at addressing specific issues.

Contact | Find Us

Charity number: 1056283
Phone number: 0116 2884321
Address: The King’s Centre, 56 Bull Head Street, Wigston, LE18 1PA
E-mail address:

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