Children’s and Youth Work


Here at Hope Community Church, we don’t think children are the future of the church – we think they are part of the church of today.
This means we want to make sure they are taught about who Jesus is in a way that they can understand, engage with, and love!

Every Sunday, after the time of singing, our children and young people head out to Firestarters – groups that are specially designed to help them engage with Jesus in a way appropriate to their age.

Bright Sparks – Pre-school age
Ignite – School years 0-2
Flicker – School years 3-4
Flame – School years 5-6
Inferno – School years 7-9

All the volunteers who work with, or lead, children’s work at HCC have undergone DBS checks in accordance with our safeguarding policy, which you can find here.

For more information about Firestarters, email Matt Davis on


During the week, we run two Tots sessions on Thursday and Friday mornings.These provide a great opportunity for parents and carers from our community to mingle with others in a safe, engaging and fun environment.

For more information contact us now!



TNI (Thursday-Night Inferno)is our mid-week group for young people in school years 7-9. We meet for fun, games, chat, snacks and most importantly time for building friendships with each other and Jesus.

If you’d like to come along, or find out more please email


Contact | Find Us

Charity number: 1056283
Phone number: 0116 2884321
Address: The King’s Centre, 56 Bull Head Street, Wigston, LE18 1PA
E-mail address:

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